One of the only things we’re not sticking in a moving box this month is The Growing Wall, that place where we marked the growth of our kids, inch by inch. The wall hasn’t seen much action recently what with all our boys maxed out on height…
So what do you do with a growing wall when you’ve sold your house? It’d be sacrilege to paint it over. You can’t take it with you. And there’s not enough time to re-purpose it into a Shrinking Wall (You know, the wall that empty nesters use to measure the ravages of age and gravity). No, you just have to hope that a family like this buys your house, a family that believes in the growing wall concept (they’re the really young people on the left)…
So, as of next month, when we move out and they move in, “O” (4’3″) and “V”( 3’6″), will be the new keepers of The Growing Wall…